Ectoplasm | A substance which emanates from the body of a medium during a trance. This often appears as a mist –like substance. |
Elementals | Spirits of the earth. Elementals are benign, almost angelic spirits who watch over the four elements, air-sylphs, earth-gnomes, fire-salamanders, and water nymphs. Also, lesser spirits of nature are called undines. |
Electromagnetic Field | A field propagated by a combination of electric and magnetic energy which radiates from radio and light waves to gamma and cosmic rays. It is believed that when spirits manifest, they create an electromagnetic field. |
EMF Detector | An instrument that measures electromagnetic energy. Also known as a Gauss Meter or magnetometer. |
ESP | Extra sensory perception. A parapsychological term to denote awareness apparently received through channels other than the natural senses. |
Evil | Malignant, malicious. Acts whose sole purpose is to do harm to mankind and, therefore, God himself. |
Evil Spirits | Spirits whose sole purpose for existence is to hurt or destroy mankind. |
E.V.P. | Electronic voice phenomena. Voices captured on magnetic audio tape when no one is present. It is believed that these voices are from spirits attempting to communicate with living people. |
Exorcism | Ritual designed to free someone from the possession of a demon or devil. Deliverance. An exorcism can also be performed on a dwelling or place. |
Exorcist | One who performs exorcisms. In most cases, exorcists are ordained ministers of their particular religion. |
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