Malevolent | Doing or wishing evil or harm toward others. A malevolent spirit is one that wishes to hurt man. |
Malicious | A spirit that is evil or spiteful. These spirits will destroy things of personal or financial value for the sake of hurting others. |
Manifestation | The appearance or taking form of an entity. Can also mean the outbreak of activity. |
Materialization | The deliberate, usually temporary, visible and/or physical formation of a spirit. |
Human Spirit | A book of spells and rituals designed to conjure spirits. |
Medium | A psychic through whom spirits can communicate. There are two types of mediums: light and deep trance. |
Metaphysics | Derived from the Latin word “meta” which means “beyond,” metaphysics would literally mean that which is beyond the laws of physics. The study of psychical research. |
Miracles | Occurrence caused by divine intervention and for divine purpose. |
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